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Seven Signs a Man is Emasculated - Mr RAMMFIT

7 Signs a man is emasculated:1. He has no purpose and meaning.A man needs purpose and meaning that isn't tied to a woman.He needs to be heading in one direction, and he needs to make sure she is the right fit for him.The moment a man gives up any ...

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Embracing Mortality - Mr RAMMFIT

Facing our own mortality can be a transformative experience that brings clarity, purpose, and gratitude to life.By embracing the reality of finite existence, we can live more authentically, intentionally, and meaningfully, making the most of our t...

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Every Man Should Have a Code of Living - Mr RAMMFIT

In a world filled with constant change and evolving societal norms, it can be challenging to navigate the complexities of life without a clear sense of purpose and direction. However, one timeless truth remains constant: living by your values, pri...

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Play the Long Game, Take the Long Road - Mr RAMMFIT

In today's fast-paced world, everyone is in a hurry to achieve their goals; everyone wants it fast and easy without realising they’re not building confidence and self-esteem along the way.We often look for shortcuts to reach our destination quickl...

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Dealing With Rejection - Mr RAMMFIT

I can remember many years ago, there was a woman in a local news agency where I used to buy my motorcycle magazines, and she was stunning.I went in there to buy everything from chewing gum to magazines I didn’t even want to read just to be served ...

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Honour Them - Mr RAMMFIT

Death is coming for us all and we must face it alone.There’s no escaping, none of us are getting out of here alive.When we lose people close to us, we experience all kinds of emotions.Grief, anger, regret and shock, just to name a few.I have seen ...

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Trial and Error - Mr RAMMFIT

Modern day society is oversaturated with men who want things fast and easy.Dabblers who drift from one distraction to the next, following the herd, doing what everyone else is doing never realising why they’re doing it.The best part about that is,...

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Breaking Free from Hypnotic Rhythm - Mr RAMMFIT

Hypnotic rhythm refers to the unconscious repetition of behaviors, thoughts, and actions that often lead to stagnation and prevent personal growth.Breaking free from this cycle requires conscious effort, self-awareness, and a commitment to change....

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Your Life's Purpose - Mr RAMMFIT

Ask most people who they are, what they want or where they’re going, and I guarantee most people will be speechless.Why?Well because they have neutralised everything that makes them unique through conforming to social pressures, wanting to be acce...

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Leading by Example - Mr RAMMFIT

In a rapidly changing world, the concept of leadership has also undergone a significant transformation, but the more things change, the more they stay the same.Today, leadership is not solely about authority, but it also involves setting an exampl...

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Codependency - Mr RAMMFIT

Codependency is a term that has gained popularity in recent years as a result of increased awareness of mental health and addiction issues.It refers to a dysfunctional relationship in which one person is excessively reliant on another for emotiona...

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Don't Compete; Attract - Mr RAMMFIT

In this world if you want to stand out you need to be courageous enough to be extraordinary, extra ordinary.If you’re ordinary, you blend in, and you’ll compete.There are so many men out there who complain they can’t get a high value woman yet do ...

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